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Track, unpack and manage stress

Use your Fitbit to understand your stress—learn and practice techniques that help you manage its impacts on your well-being.
Woman in a yoga pose
Woman in a yoga pose
Person taking deep breaths
Person taking deep breaths
Stress app and device screen
Stress app and device screen
EDA app screen
EDA app screen
Stress management app screen
Stress management app screen
Mood logging device and app screen
Mood logging device and app screen
What is stress?
What is stress?
Person taking deep breaths
Person taking deep breaths
It’s the body's natural response to imbalance. Stress can help your body react or adjust to situations, but too much of it over time can take a toll on health. Fitbit helps you track your body’s physical and emotional responses to stress and equips you with tools & techniques to manage them.
Tools & techniques to manage stress
Man sleeping
Good sleep makes it easier for your body to deal with stress. Track sleep and learn how to improve it.
Woman running
Activity is a proven way to reduce stress. Access workouts, set exercise goals and receive reminders to move.
Man meditating
Practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress. Access audio sessions & breathing exercises to meet mindfulness goals.
Man and woman preparing food
Eating a healthy diet is associated with lower levels of stress—Fitbit food logging and recipes can support that.
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    Fitbit's all-day body-response tracking feature is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate or manage any disease or condition. Please contact your healthcare professional for questions about your health.