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Tune in to your body with Fitbit Health Metrics

The Fitbit app and smartwatches make it easy to track health metrics like SpO2, skin temperature and more to uncover trends and changes to your well-being.1
couple lounging together with Fitbit trackers and smartwatches on their wrist
couple lounging together with Fitbit trackers and smartwatches on their wrist
Phone screen with Health Metrics' monthly graph of Skin temperature displayed next to Fitbit Sense smartwatch with SpO2 clockface
Phone screen with Health Metrics' monthly graph of Skin temperature displayed next to Fitbit Sense smartwatch with SpO2 clockface
Fitbit Versa 3 smartwatch with oxygen saturation clockface next to phone displaying SpO2 monthly graph
Fitbit Versa 3 smartwatch with oxygen saturation clockface next to phone displaying SpO2 monthly graph
Weekly view of skin temperature variation graphy
Weekly view of skin temperature variation graphy
Phone screen displaying weekly graph of breathing rate per minute in user's personal range
Phone screen displaying weekly graph of breathing rate per minute in user's personal range
Heart rate variability graph showing three months of data next to a Fitbit Inspire 3 tracker showing 85 bpm on its screen
Heart rate variability graph showing three months of data next to a Fitbit Inspire 3 tracker showing 85 bpm on its screen
See your health metrics all in one place
See your health metrics all in one place
Phone screen with Health Metrics' monthly graph of Skin temperature displayed next to Fitbit Sense smartwatch with SpO2 clockface
Phone screen with Health Metrics' monthly graph of Skin temperature displayed next to Fitbit Sense smartwatch with SpO2 clockface
Get a closer look at your oxygen saturation (SpO2), skin temperature variations and more, all on your Health Metrics dashboard.
New ways to uncover changes in your well-being
Oxygen Saturation smartwatch clockface showing date and time
Oxygen Saturation (SpO2)
Measure the level of oxygen in your blood to help you learn when there may be an indication of important changes in your fitness and wellness.
Phone screen with Health Metrics' monthly bar graph of Skin temperature displayed
Skin Temperature
Easily uncover changes to your well-being and discover potential signs of a fever or illness by tracking skin temperature variation.2
Woman looks down at her wrist wearing Fitbit Sense smartwatch
Breathing Rate
Measure your average breaths per minute at night, then use the Fitbit app to see your stats and help you learn if there are signs of significant changes.
Phone screen with heart rate variability weekly line graph displayed
Heart Rate Variability
Track the variation of time between heartbeats each night. A significant decrease may indicate your body is showing potential signs of stress, illness or fatigue.
Resting heart rate beats per minute weekly line graph
Resting Heart Rate
Track your resting heart rate each day and over the past week, and see easy-to-read graphs right in the Fitbit app.


  • 1
    The Health Metrics dashboard and the metrics displayed in the dashboard are not available in all countries. Metrics available may vary by device. See here for more information. Not intended for medical purposes.This feature is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition and should not be relied on for any medical purposes. It is intended to provide information that can help you manage your well-being. If you have any concerns about your health, please talk to a healthcare provider. If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, call emergency services.
  • 2
    Significant changes in ambient temperature may negatively impact skin temperature tracking.