Choose your Nest x Yale Lock

Nest x Yale Lock with Nest Connect

Save $20$279.99 $299.99


Add professional installation by pros from the Handy network.1Terms apply
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Nest x Yale Lock (Nest Connect required for remote access)

Save $20$229 $249


Add professional installation by pros from the Handy network.1Terms apply
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1 Google does not perform your installation and has no responsibility or liability for the installation. We partner with Handy and OnTech, who are independent of Google. Handy is a platform for home services that connects individuals to professional installation partners, including OnTech, who will install your Google Nest Products. The professional installer connected to you is not an employee, subcontractor, or agent of Google. For your convenience you can pay for your installation through Google Store, but Google accepts the payment on behalf of Handy, whose network of licensed installers perform the installation.

1 To complete your installation, Google shares your phone number, address, email, order details, and requested installation services with Handy and its network.