Spigen Silicone Fit Case for Google TV Streamer

Spigen Silicone Fit Case for Google TV Streamer

Keep your Google TV Streamer safe and sound with the sleek, low-profile Spigen Silicone Fit Case. Compatible with only the Google TV Streamer.

Dimensions and weight

Length: 4.96 in (126 mm)

Width: 1.65 in (41.9 mm)

Height: 0.86 in (21.8 mm)

Weight: 1.73 oz (49 g)

Length: 4.96 in (126 mm)

Width: 1.65 in (41.9 mm)

Height: 0.86 in (21.8 mm)

Weight: 1.73 oz (49 g)







What's in the box

Spigen Silicone Fit Case for Google TV Streamer

Spigen Silicone Fit Case for Google TV Streamer

Compatible with

Google TV Streamer (4K)

Google TV Streamer (4K)

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This product has been certified by Spigen to meet Google's compatibility standards. Google is not responsible for the operation of this product or its compliance with any applicable safety or other requirements. Learn more at g.co/madeforgoogle.