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FUJIFILM instax™ mini Instant Film Twin Pack 20 Sheets

FUJIFILM instax™ mini Instant Film Twin Pack 20 Sheets

instax™ mini Instant Film Pack (20 sheets) is designed for use with instax mini smartphone printers and mini instant cameras and offers stunning 2” x 3” instant photos with a classic white border.

Dimensions and weight

Length: 2.75 in

Width: 1.88 in

Height: 4 in

Diameter: NA

Weight: 0.2 lb

Length: 2.75 in

Width: 1.88 in

Height: 4 in

Diameter: NA

Weight: 0.2 lb


Plastic cartridge

Plastic cartridge

What's in the box

2 Film cartridges (10 sheets each)

2 Film cartridges (10 sheets each)


FUJIFILM instax mini Link 3™ Smartphone Printer Google Pixel Collaboration Model

Designed for use with all instax mini smartphone printers and mini instant cameras

FUJIFILM instax mini Link 3™ Smartphone Printer Google Pixel Collaboration Model

Designed for use with all instax mini smartphone printers and mini instant cameras

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This product has been certified by FUJIFILM instax to meet Google's compatibility standards. Google is not responsible for the operation of this product or its compliance with any applicable safety or other requirements. Learn more at g.co/madeforgoogle.
Film development time approximately 90 seconds.