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13 Genius Uses for Your Fitbit Tracker’s Silent Alarms
by Danielle Kosecki

You backup your computer, so why not your brain? That’s the idea behind silent alarms—aka safety nets for your memory—and why all Fitbit trackers (except Fitbit Zip—sorry!) allow you to set up to eight.

Depending on which tracker you own, your setup screen may look a bit different than the ones below—you may even be able to manage your silent straight from your device (check out this helpful how-to guide)—but all the silent alarms work the same. At the time(s) you specified, your device will gently vibrate and light up several times, repeating again in nine minutes if you don’t dismiss it.

Healthy Reminders You Need in Your Life

The most obvious use for a silent alarm is, literally, as an alarm clock—stay on that sleep schedule!—but limiting yourself to one alarm is a missed opportunity. Use Fitbit silent alarms to support all your health goals by setting one as a reminder to…

Eat! Especially if you plan on heading straight to the gym from work. Waiting until you’re starving could make you more likely to grab whatever’s available (hello, potato chips in the office vending machine.)

Drink water—and log it in your Fitbit app. In one study, the more water people drank, the fewer calories, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar they ate.   

Relax. A Fitbit Blaze or Fitbit Charge 2 will walk you through either two or five minutes of guided breathing, but if you own a different tracker, you can get calm in seconds with these breathing tricks. Mindfulness not your thing? Then take a walk, color, or chat with a friend—whatever helps you unwind.

Monitor your pace. Whether you’re walking, running, or cycling, going out too hard can come back to haunt you later. Set an alarm to go off multiple times during a race (or workout) as a reminder to see if you need to back off a bit.

Stay fueled. Athletes need to take in the right balance of carbs and protein, stay hydrated, and replenish any sodium sweated out, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. That means eating and drinking at regular intervals during exercise.

Get that mole looked at—or whatever other doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. The average wait time for new patients to see a city-based physician is 18.5 days, according to a 2014 survey.

Do a posture check.  “Good posture creates optimal alignment in your body, helping it function as efficiently and effectively as possible,” says Erika Bloom, founder and owner of Erika Bloom Pilates.

Smile. No, really. Research shows it makes you happier and may even be contagious.

Preempt your triggers. Do bagels magically appear in the break room every Friday morning? Set an alarm to go off well before you encounter them—or any other temptation—so you have time to grab something healthier. Or, if  you’re going to indulge, just use it as a reminder to bring mindfulness to your mealtimes.

Tally your blessings. Men and women who made an effort to journal positive things felt more optimistic and happier than those who journaled about trials or whatever they wanted, found a University of California, Davis study.

Hit your step goal. What’s the latest you’re willing to walk (without disrupting your sleep schedule)? Set a last-chance alarm for a half hour before that to get your steps in.

Charge your tracker. How many times have you planned to recharge your tracker only to have it run out of juice mid-day? Try setting an alarm based on when you last plugged in. You can find information on your tracker’s average battery life—and how to make a charge last longer—in this Fitbit Help article.

Related products
Fitbit Sense 2 Smartwatch
Fitbit Charge 6
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This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.

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